demo Article

demo Article



2 min read

  • added cover photo
  • added table of contents
  • tried to add OG image for cover image.

  • not able to continue the ordered list. It is restarting from 1 for next item in list. Text

๐Ÿ˜ ๐ŸŽ‡๐Ÿฅ‡๐Ÿ†โœโ˜(โŒโ– _โ– )เฅฅเฅเฅฅ

image: treeNsun.jpeg

  1. a

  2. Block quote 1 block quote 2 how to continue block quote??

> 1. System.out.println("Java is Good, I'm Good.");  
> 2.      System.out.println("I am Good in Java.");
> 3.      System.out.println("I am good in Logics.");

no story, just a demo article...

editing to add table

bold text


wondering, how to see that how it looks after publishing the article, because not able to observe the difference when written using "heading" option given here.

Adding OG-image

To get a clickable image Photoshop, Figma etc. are used.

Instead we can use Open Graph image (OG image). For this, HTML and CSS code is written and then routed on backend API . The API Route then converts the HTML/CSS image into SVG image.

For example; write the code in NextJS if you are familiar with the same.

This link Beyond Fireship will help you in creating the OG image with good explanation.

Well, that means, I can't create OG image till I know to use NextJS, for that I should be knowing JavaScript, and that is not possible until I complete HTML/CSS project.

byee byee OG image.
